Pukatea Horse Trekking & Adventures

Hanmer Springs Canterbury New Zealand

Horse Trek the St James Conservation Area a short 20 minute drive inland from Hanmer Springs.


$130 - $150  (NZD)


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Hanmer Springs Canterbury New Zealand
Hanmer Springs

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Pukatea Horse Trekking & Adventures is located at the St James “homestead” a historical site built in 1880, which is a short distance from Hanmer and is accessible almost all year round. The St James Conservation Area was one of the largest operating cattle and sheep stations in the country, dating back to 1862.

Pukatea horses are waiting to take you on an unforgettable horseback journey over breathtaking mountains, isolated high country, glacial fed rivers and lakes. For the novice rider, guided treks with our friendly and knowledgeable team are available or experienced riders why not take advantage of Freedom Trekking.

Accommodation is available in the muster and DOC huts, as well as the historic cottages, as you explore the ranges.

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Information correct as at: 23 November 2024

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Contact Us

42 Amuri Avenue
Hanmer Springs
New Zealand

Email: info@visithurunui.co.nz
Phone: +64 3 315 0000
Free phone : 0800 442 663 (NZ only)