Hanmer Springs Ski Area

Mt St Patrick

Hanmer Springs Ski Area is run by the Amuri Ski Club, founded in 1957. 3 tows operate, a beginners fixed grip tow, nutcracker rope tow and a poma tow. Elevation is 1769m, vertical is 310m, terrain is 52ha. Groomer and daily lessons for ski and boards


$15 - $60  (NZD)

Mobile Phone

Mt St Patrick
Hanmer Springs

Hanmer Springs Ski Area is a friendly, fun and spacious ski area just 20km from the alpine resort town of Hanmer Springs. There are a variety of groomed runs and off piste to choose from for all ages and stages of ski and snowboard ability.

The car park is at the base of the huts and it’s just a short walk to the tows. There are no queues so you can get in as many runs as your body can handle and the tows operate until you want to stop! The mountain accommodation is backpacker style and is self catering, so don’t forget to bring supplies.

Ski and snowboard hire available on field or in the village.

Terrain - 10% Beginner, 60% Intermediate, 30% Advanced
Terrain Park - Natural hits, tables pushed up on request, talk to the staff!

How to find Hanmer Springs Ski Area

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Information correct as at: 23 November 2024

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Contact Us

42 Amuri Avenue
Hanmer Springs
New Zealand

Email: info@visithurunui.co.nz
Phone: +64 3 315 0000
Free phone : 0800 442 663 (NZ only)