Hanmer Forest Day Tramps - Mt Isobel

The tracks are for experienced walkers and trampers. Four alternative tracks/routes lead to Mt Isobel (1324 metres). Visibility can be limited in low cloud.

Hanmer Springs

Photo Credit: Pat Barrett.

Tracks may be closed due to snowfall in winter.

Mt Isobel Track (1324m)

From Clarence Valley Road Car Park - 5 hours return
This is the most popular track to the summit. It starts from the Clarence Valley Road car park, located 2 km from the Jacks Pass Road turnoff. The track climbs through European and Japanese larch before entering sub alpine scrub. Climb onto an open ridge and continue to the summit for panoramic views of Hanmer Basin and beyond.

Via Waterfall Track

6 hours return
Start from the McIntyre Road car park and follow the Waterfall Track. Turn off just before the waterfall and climb up a steep zigzag to meet the Mt Isobel Track below the top ridge. NOTE: this section of track is prone to slips. Good footwear required.

From Jacks Pass

On Clarence Valley Road - 3 ½ hours return
This is a steep, exposed and rocky route marked by poles. The route meets up with the Mt Isobel Track along the ridge to the summit. For fit, experienced trampers only.

From Near Jollies Pass

On Jollies Pass Road - 4 ½ hours return
The poled route starts 800 metres north of Jollies Pass and climbs through Mountain beech, manuka and sub alpine scrub before joining the eastern ridge to the summit. It is the least used access to Mt Isobel. The upper part of Jollies Pass Road is steep and not suitable for campervans or vehicles with low ground clearance.

How to find Hanmer Forest Day Tramps - Mt Isobel

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Information correct as at: 21 November 2024

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Hanmer Springs
New Zealand

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