Visit Hanmer Springs in Autumn

Soak up the autumn colours

The walking tracks around Hanmer Springs come alive in Autumn! 

It’s worth remembering that our weather can be unpredictable, especially in Autumn. Clear skies in the morning can become cloudy in no time at all, so pack a bag with light-waterproof jackets and wet weather gear.

Conical Hill Walk

The zig-zag path up Conical Hill is largely lined with evergreen pine trees, so you won’t be ‘wowed’ with autumn colours along the way. But when you reach the rotunda at the top, you’ll have the best view of all the golden, brown leaves covering Hanmer Springs Village.

While the path is not too steep, it can be muddy in places, and made slippery with the fallen autumn leaves. Make sure you have sturdy walking shoes, plus it’s a good idea to pack some snacks and drink bottles for when you make it to the top.

Dog Stream Reserve Walk

Kids will love riding their bikes and hunting for Fairy Doors among the red and golden brown leaves along Dog Stream Reserve. This walk will keep everyone engaged, as kids hunt for painted rocks or open the fairy doors to see the decorations or painted scenes inside.

Make a game out of throwing the fallen leaves over the side of the bridge and seeing which one makes it to the other side the fastest. The autumn colours, and family-friendly track will create magical experiences every day, and there’s a good chance your kids will want to walk this path a few times on any multi-day trip to Hanmer Springs.

Nature Trail

If you want to get out before the weather turns, the Nature Trail near the carpark on McIntyres Rd is an easy 20 minute loop. You’ll walk alongside Mt Isobel stream, passing through native forest, plus beautiful mountain beech in all their autumnal glory.

Waterfall Track

After Conical Hill, the three hour round trip to the Dog Stream Waterfall is the most popular in Hanmer Springs.The trail can be winding and moderately steep in places, so sturdy footwear is an absolute must. You’ll be rewarded with the dappled sunlight breaking through the changing colours of dense native forest.

Chatterton Track

Feel up to the challenge? This two and a half hour return journey follows Chatterton River to an old stock route, then cuts across to the original Jacks Pass bridle track.

Chatterton Track is moderately steep and can be muddy in places, so it’s best to take care. While the seasonal will make for a colourful walk through the beech forest, what you’re really looking for are the views of Hanmer Basin from the summit.

Up for a Hanmer Springs walking adventure?

Your favourite walking or tramping tracks around Hanmer Springs will offer you colourful, new views in autumn.

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