Woodlands Reserve Track
103 Jollies Pass Road
Woodlands Reserve Horse Park
The horse track to the Woodlands Reserve Horse Park leaves the Jollies Pass Road main entrance opposite the step-over exit from the Heritage Forest at the end of Alligator Alley.
The sign-posted track follows the dirt road down and around to the left of the Hanmer Scout Den (formerly the DOC info centre), across Dog Stream and up to the large grassed area. Cross the open grassed area to the track at the base of Conical Hill.
Please do not ride on the footpaths for walkers.
Please respect other users and follow this cycling code of conduct for shared-use tracks:
- Respect that other users have different, and valid, reasons for being there.
- Anticipate other users around corners or in blind spots.
- Expect the unexpected; travel at a speed from which you can stop safely if a hazard arises.
- Do not startle other users – greet them when approaching, especially from behind.
- The basic give-way rule for shared-use tracks is: 4WD and other motorised vehicles give way to walkers, cyclists and horses; cyclists give way to walkers and horses; and walkers give way to horses.
- Common sense and courtesy prevail at all times.