Te Tihi o Rauhea/Conical Hill loop Track

Conical Hill Road

Follow the Karearea/Falcon track marker signs.

Grade / Difficulty

3 Intermediate



Estimated Time

90mins - 120mins

Conical Hill Road

The Te Tihi o Rauhea/Conical Hill Loop Trail is around 6kms long, taking between 90 -120 minutes to walk. The best direction to walk it is from 1 to 10 thus missing a steep section on the east side of Te Tihi o Rauhea/Conical Hill.

A quick orientation of the Te Tihi o Rauhea/Conical Hill Loop Trail is that you can access it from any point and follow the signs in either direction. I will begin at the cenotaph as you go up the rise into Hanmer Springs. You walk north through the oaks crossing Jacks Pass Road into the centre of town crossing the road opposite about the 4 square. From there you walk north to the top of Te Tihi o Rauhea/Conical Hill and it is recommended you turn left at the top to the lookout. Go back to the track and walk north again for a very short distance where you begin the descent down the east side turning left onto the Majuba Track (this is the steep section if you walk it in the other direction). At the bottom you turn right and walk south down past the 2 woodland ponds and wetland area down a set of stairs to where you cross Jollies Pass Road carrying on to Brooke Dawson Reserve. Once there you turn right walking up to Leamington Street back to the Cenotaph, walk complete.

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Hanmer Springs
New Zealand

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