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Hanmer Springs

Hanmer Springs Weather

Forecast Issued At

3:52 pm 23rd April. 2024

Hanmer Springs


Weather Information

A fine end to the day. Bright and sunny conditions this evening and clear tonight/overnight. Calm, tending light nor-west tonight. Pleasant autumn conditions under high pressure.

Today's Forecast


Humidity: 68.

Wind Gusts: 8 km/h.

Webcam: Weather Cam

5-day Forecast

Today Apr 23


High 17°c
Low c

A fine end to the day. Bright and sunny conditions this evening and clear tonight/overnight. Calm, tending light nor-west tonight. Pleasant autumn conditions under high pressure.

Tomorrow Apr 24


High 20°c
Low c

A fine day. Bright and sunny conditions, with a light veil of high cloud in the afternoon. Northerlies, tending nor-westerly at times (15-30km/hr.) Mild and pleasant autumn conditions.

Thursday Apr 25


High 20°c
Low c

High cloud and sunny periods. Spill over rain risk, with more sustained and heavy falls closer to the Main Divide. Strong nor-westerlies through the day, severe about the ranges. Mild conditions.

Friday Apr 26

Partly sunny

High 14°c
Low c

Mainly fine. Sunny skies, with occasional cloudy periods. Low risk of a brief isolated afternoon shower. Westerlies, strong about the hills and ranges. Cooler temperatures.

Saturday Apr 27


High 14°c
Low c

Mostly fine. Areas of early cloud clearing away to sunny skies. Light southerlies early, turning easterly into the afternoon. Cooler temperatures. Incoming high pressure.

Winter in Hanmer Springs

The best place for winter fun.

The best place for winter fun

Visiting Hanmer Spring in winter is a magical experience. Huddle in beneath snow-capped mountains and towering forests. Visit local restaurants for hearty winter-warmers. Settle in front of an open fire. Or relax in a piping hot thermal pool as snow gently falls around you... There couldn't be anything better.

Explore Hanmer Springs in winter

Play and soak in Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools

It’s always a good time of year to relax and soak in Hanmer Springs Hot Pools. Experience near weightlessness as you race down the near-vertical wall of Conical Thrill, plus you’ll make a splash shooting down the flume of the SuperBowl. Rain, shine, or even snow, whatever the weather, you can recline in one of New Zealand’s finest hot pools, bask in the stunning alpine scenery, and simply unwind.

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